Collaborators & Affiliates

"Wisdom is like a baobab tree, no one individual can embrace it." - Ewe Proverb

Visiting Scholars/Faculties

Pascal S. F. Nbelayim (Ph.D.)


Hometown: Tamale, N/R, Ghana


  • Ph.D. Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan
  • MEng Materials Science (Functional electronics materials), Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan
  • Chemistry, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana

Google Scholar | Research Gate


“With this scholar visit to Penn State, I expect to achieve some primary core targets: acquire new research skills and extend my research portfolio to learn more about perovskite solar cells and their fabrication in controlled environment and ambient conditions. I hope to forge collaborative initiatives and establish research networks leading to joint research grant proposal development.”

    Just Francois NGANZIAM LOUMONI

    Hometown: Brazzaville/Republic of Congo


    • Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, University Savoie Mont Blanc Polytechnic School – Annecy, France
    • MSc. General Industrial Engineering, CESI Graduate School of Engineering – Paris, France (In progress till Sept 2024).

    My experience in the Doumon lab.

    As part of my general engineering degree in France, I completed a mandatory international mobility internship at the Doumon Lab. This internship had several objectives: discovering international scientific research, improving my English, and immersing myself in a new culture. I had an incredibly enriching experience, having no prior knowledge of scientific research. In a short time, I acquired the basics in this exciting field and developed a genuine interest for science. I was thus able to work on perovskite-based LEDs (PELEDs), conducting experiments, analyzing results, and presenting them every week. This sparked a lasting scientific curiosity in me.

    My English also improved markedly, as evidenced by my score of 410/495 on the TOEIC listening section. The spirit of collaboration, mutual assistance, and professionalism within Doumon Lab greatly facilitated my integration and made this internship extremely beneficial in every way. I sincerely thank the Doumon Lab for an unforgettable experience that opened perspectives I had never imagined.

    Julie Tring

    Hometown : Ivry-sur-Seine, France

    Education :

    • Advanced Technician’s certificate in Water Engineering
    • MSc. General Industrial Engineering, CESI Graduate School of Engineering – Paris, France (In progress till Sept 2025).


    Collaborating with Doumon Lab presents an enriching opportunity to improve my English, delve into scientific research, and expand my knowledge of perovskite solar cells.

    My experience in the Doumon lab.

    I had the opportunity to work with the Doumon group for an international mobility internship. Before this internship, I had a few expectations : immersing myself in a new culture, discovering a new field and feeling more secure in using English. During these 3 months, I had a great experience thanks to the people in the Doumon lab and I learned the basics of scientific research as well as some notions of perovskites thin film fabrication. I feel now more fluent and assured in English conversation. I will be forever grateful for the warm, welcoming and supportive environment at the Doumon lab, which allowed me to integrate smoothly..

    Pascale Emmanuella N’goran

    Hometown: Bouake, Côte d’Ivoire


    • Bachelor’s degree: Technicien supérieur en sciences et technologies du génie industriel, Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouet-Boigny, Yamoussoukro Cote d’ivoire
    • Bachelor’s degree: Licence sciences pour l’ingénieur, Université de Reims Champagne- Ardenne, charleville-mézières France
    • MSc. General Industrial Engineering, CESI Graduate School of Engineering – Paris, France (In progress till Sept 2025).

    My experience in the Doumon lab.

    As part of my general engineering degree in France, I had to do a 4-month internship abroad. This internship had several objectives, including helping me improve my level in English, discovering the world of research and also discovering a new culture. During this internship I had the opportunity to work on organics solar cells. Having no experience in the world of research, I was pleasantly surprised by everything I was able to discover, and I even found myself loving this field. In a period of time I was able to learn a lot about this exciting and vast field. Thanks to his months spent at the DoumonLab my English has improved considerably, I am now able to understand and have a discussion in English. I appreciated all the discussions I had with each member of the DoumonLab, their generosity and kindness were essential factors in my integration and evolution. I thank the DoumonLab for this incredible experience.

